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Short-Term Trips

Go Global Trips for 2024

Morgantown, WV (Chestnut Mountain Ranch)

Dates: Thursday, Aug 1 - Saturday, Aug 3
Cost:  Approx $400 per family (includes food and lodging) or $200 per Individual
Leader: Chad McComas
Trip Size: 10-12

Chestnut Mountain Ranch provides a Christ-centered school and home for boys in crisis and in need of hope and healing. Partnering with their families, they pursue family restoration and reunification. Just recently, two faithful River Ridge attendees, Greg and Jennifer Clutter, moved to Morgantown to head up the Foster Care Initiative at Chestnut Mountain Ranch.

The focus of this trip will be light construction projects designed for the whole family. We hope to create a serving opportunity that is accessible for families in location, duration, cost, and skill level. The work we do will help the ranch to expand and enhance the programs it offers to the boys and families.

Medellin, Colombia - Life Skills

Dates: July 5th-12
$425 per person + airfare
Leader: Erin Harper
Trip Size: 10-12

We began our partnership with Global Transformation Ministries (GTM) in 2019 by first purchasing and serving their Colombian coffee on Sunday mornings. GTM’s core focus is church planting through the leaders of unreached communities to impact the rest of the community at large. In 2019, GTM launched a new ministry called Esther’s Home, to meet the community’s need of helping homeless pregnant teens find safe housing. Esther’s Home provides housing for 15 mothers and their babies, on-site trade skills training and Christian therapy. Upon completion of the program at Esther’s Home, the girls will have found housing, a place of employment, and the confidence to raise their babies and break the cycle of poverty. 
This trip will have a two-part focus. One part focuses on Esther’s Home through the team members teaching the girls practical job training skills or life skills. Some examples from last year's trip were nail technician training, hair styling, jewelry making, budgeting, life planning, and CPR/First Aid. Then in the afternoon, the team will participate in hosting afternoon activities for the neighborhood kids.
Registration is now closed.

Medellin, Colombia - Construction Projects

Dates: Aug 2-9
$425 per person + airfare
Leader: Rob Akers
Trip Size: 10-12

In 2021, Global Transformation Ministries bought a second property to be a transitional home for mothers who graduated out of Esther’s Home but still needed a supportive environment as they transitioned back into daily life of working jobs and caring for their families. The second property is in downtown Medellin to allow for more job opportunities and accessible transportation. 
This trip will have a two-part focus. One part will focus on construction projects remodeling the transitional home and the other part will be meeting up with their local church to encourage one another through story sharing and Bible Study.
Registration is now closed.

Young Life Kenya

Dates: June 24-July6
$3,200 per person (*includes airfare, subject to airfare cost fluctuations, double occupancy)
Leader: Matt Santen
Trip Size: 12 to 14

Experience Young Life ministry that is active and growing. Engage with local Young Life staff & leaders in ministry outreach and spiritual growth. On this trip, you will serve alongside Young Life leaders and staff as we visit the local ministry. You will participate and serve as we worship alongside hundreds of leaders and staff at the Kenya Ministry 20-year Celebration, a 2-day event that will gather leaders and partners from all over Kenya! You will have the opportunity to contribute to a work project to benefit the local Young Life area and community. We will debrief and enjoy a safari to the Masaai Mara.

Registration is now closed.