RidgeWomen Spring Retreat 2025 - Made for Rest
Friday, April 25, 2025, 4:00 PM - Saturday, April 26, 2025, 4:00 PM
Our vision is to create a thriving community where women can deeply connect, grow spiritually, and lead with purpose. Rooted in the core values of River Ridge Church, we are committed to helping you take meaningful steps in your walk with Jesus. Through short term groups and studies, engaging large gatherings, and sisterhood, we foster an environment where you can explore Scripture, build lasting relationships, and find encouragement on your faith journey. Join us to experience a vibrant community that empowers you to live out your faith, share your story, and make a positive impact in the kingdom of God.
Here you'll find a list of RidgeWomen gatherings and events for the year.
Each semester we offer a variety of groups and Bible studies to help you engage and grow in your faith and community.
visit current ridgewomen groups and studies
The Breakfast Club will give women of all ages the opportunity to get to know other women around a welcoming table of . . . well . . . breakfast! In addition to something yummy to eat, each club will feature a talk about a topic that is related to a physical, emotional, spiritual, or relational aspect of life. Our hope is that you will find a point of connection and growth, maybe learn something new or simply appreciate another woman’s passion.
"In a society that encourages independence, there are many reasons why people try to do life alone. But God calls us to be in community with others, and He helps us accomplish that by using people in our lives to bring us closer in our walk with Him. This Breakfast Club, our very own Allison Erlewine will talk about how God used community to bring about great transformation in her own life, and how He can do the same in your life too. It all starts with a YES! So say YES to joining us for Breakfast Club on January 25th from 10am-12pm! We’ll see you there!"
April 25-26 | Bechtel Summit
Do you always feel that you are in a busy season? Do you live for the next weekend or vacation but never feel like you come back fully rested? In our fast-paced culture, we often live overwhelmed and exhausted.
What if this wasn’t God’s best for us? God created rest. He gives rest to those he loves. But rest is a gift that we must choose to embrace. Come join us as we slow down and discover together that we are Made for Rest.
Meet our speaker, Sarah Taylor. Sarah and her husband, Josh, have been married for almost twelve years. They have three high-energy, outgoing, and amazing children. In 2023, Josh and Sarah felt called to Columbus, OH, to start and lead a church that would help more people experience life in Jesus. They have a heart for people who feel far from God and are looking for hope. In January of 2025, they launched Bright City Church.
This year’s spring retreat will be held at Summit Bechtel Reserve near Beckley, WV, on April 25th-26th. This is a time of retreat, of stillness, of slowing down, of rest. On Friday, check-in will begin at 4:00pm at the Fenneman, followed by dinner at 6. We will finish up by 4 on Saturday afternoon.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Erin at !