Join us online or in-person - 9:15 am & 11:00 am

For Kids

RidgeKids Online Resources

  • The Parent cue app is designed by the company that provides our curriculum. Parent Cue will help establish Character, develop Spiritual Habits, build an everyday Faith, and Strengthen your Relationship. They create the plan so you can make the memories.
  • The App is Free on any app store. Follow the cues and look for River Ridge Church.

Video Lessons from parent cue

In RidgeKids (birth through 5th grade) our goal is to help our children take their next steps with Jesus by building relationships with them, being examples for them, and teaching them God’s Word. 

You'll find information below on each of our areas of family ministry for your kids where we share Jesus with them in a fun, clean, and safe environment.

Rigekids Sunday Lessons can also be found on our Parent Cue channel with videos customized for preschoolers as well as elementary-age children.

Learn more about our Sunday morning environments at the Teays Valley Campus with the information below:

RidgeKids Nursery

The RidgeKids Nursery is for children from birth through 2 years old. It is a clean, safe, and carefully staffed place where your children will be well cared for while you attend the worship service. We believe that basic truths can be understood even at this early age.

Babies know when they are safe and secure. They know when they are being genuinely loved and respond to comfort. We think these are the earliest ways to demonstrate God’s love to them. The RidgeKids nursery area is divided into age-appropriate rooms adhering to a safe adult-to-child ratio.

When children are promoted to the two-year nursery, they begin a curriculum called First Look.  They have simple lessons each week that teach them that God loves them, God made them and Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Simple crafts, fun worship songs, and Bible story-teaching videos allow even our young children to learn about God’s word and his plan for their lives.

RidgeKids Preschool

RidgeKids Preschool is our small group environment for 3–to 5-year-olds. On Sundays, children are in a fun, safe, age-appropriate environment where they can make friends and learn about God. The Preschool ministry continues the curriculum from the two-year nursery, First Look. We want preschoolers to understand 3 fundamental truths:

God made me
God loves me
Jesus wants to be my friend forever

Each week, your child will receive a God Time Card that reinforces the weekly lesson.

RidgeKids Elementary

Make what matters…Matter more

Elementary-age kids follow a curriculum called 252 Kids by Orange. It is a 1-year chronological cycle of the biggest stories of the Bible, then the next 2 years, we go back and catch what we skipped. Each lesson connects back to Jesus and the Gospel. We want kids to be engaging in their faith. 

The goals of this curriculum is to help them make wiser choices, build stronger relationships, and develop a deeper faith.

Every child is assigned to a couple of small groups with a leader who is investing in the child’s life not only to teach biblical truth but also as a friend, a role model, and a caring adult.

1 Thessalonians 2:8 says "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well because you had become so dear to us." Small group leaders are in it for the long haul with kids.

RidgeKids K-3rd Grade

Kindergartners through 3rd grade check-in at RidgeKids Registration and go directly to their ministry area at the beginning of service.

RidgeKids 4th-5th

4th & 5th graders check-in and go directly to their ministry area (The Hangout) at the beginning of the service.


Skip the hassle of trying to register on Sunday morning! New families can preregister and quickly check in on Sunday mornings by visiting the registration desk in the South Lobby upon arrival.