At River Ridge Church, we believe you can’t do life alone. One of the best ways to get connected with people and grow in community at River Ridge is to join a Ridge Group.
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Small Groups
MOM Connect
Mom Connect is a group devoted to encouraging and supporting moms of young kids. Raising little ones is beyond rewarding but can come with challenges and often can be isolating. This group is a place to hopefully find community and support as we walk alongside each other. It truly takes a village, and we want to be that village for you! This group is primarily for moms with children infant to 5 years old. However, we also love and welcome mentor moms (moms of children over age 5) and expecting moms! We will be holding meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 10 am to 12 pm.
Our Open House is August 29th at 10am! This is your chance to come and see what Mom Connect is all about! Come ready to meet community and enjoy this season of life with!
Our first meeting will be on September 12th. For any questions, please email .
Group DetailsOne in a Million - Over 50s Women's Group-Cathy Tygrett
Book Club Tuesday Evenings @ 630p starting October 24th.
One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer
The Egyptians in Exodus 1 were intent on enslaving the Israelites, wearing them down so that God’s chosen people would become disillusioned and not live up to their destiny. Of the original two million Israelites who received God’s invitation to enter the Promised Land, only two actually entered it!
Similarly, modern day Christians often hear and understand the promises of God each Sunday morning at church but then rarely choose to experience them in everyday life. In One in a Million, Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer invites us to change that pattern for good, living beyond our circumstances and expecting to see God move in miraculous ways day after day. Without a doubt, we can find and follow God’s purpose for our journey. We can make it to the Promised Land!
Leader: Cathy Tygrett
Group DetailsRidgeWomen - Don't Look Back
“Learn how to let go of whatever is causing you to look back, and step boldly into God's plans, purposes, and promises.
"Remember Lot’s wife…"
Of the many women mentioned in Scripture, Lot's wife—who became a pillar of salt when she looked back at Sodom and Gomorrah—is the only one whom Jesus tells us to remember.
In this 5-session video study (video streaming code included), Bible teacher Christine Caine will unpack what the story of Lot's wife teaches us and motivate you to stop looking back, to let go, and to move forward into what God promises for your life.”
Group DetailsBlair and Karole Hayes
Type of Group:
RidgeGroup HomeGroup - This group is currently full.
Blair and Karole Hayes
Bob and Sarah Akers
Type of Group:
RidgeGroup HomeGroup - This group is currently open.
Bob and Sarah Akers
Chad and Sarah Cobb
Type of Group:
RidgeGroup HomeGroup - This group is currently full.
Chad and Sarah Cobb
Dave and Kim Maxson
Type of Group:
RidgeGroup HomeGroup - This group is currently open.
Dave and Kim Maxson