Foster WV CPR Certification Class
Tuesday, April 08, 2025, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Purchase high-need items from the designated Amazon Wish List to help stock the Foster WV Supply Closet. This list will include clothes, car seats, and beds for children in care. New items will be safely stored at River Ridge Church Teays Valley and made available to families in need. Note, that we do not accept used items. Gently used items can be donated through the Foster Closet operated by Bible Center Church.
“Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” –James 1:27
As a church, our goal is to create a community of support, encouragement, and prayer for children experiencing foster care and the adults who courageously take on the role of foster, adoptive, and kinship parents.
Foster WV is a River Ridge Teays Valley ministry dedicated to raising awareness about the growing foster care crisis in West Virginia, recruiting families to open their hearts and homes to children in need through local child welfare agencies, and supporting and resourcing foster, adoptive, and kinship families and child welfare workers. We work to reinforce families through volunteer support called “care communities” (i.e. meals, babysitting, and household chores), access to our onsite Foster WV Supply Closet (i.e Amazon Wishlist), monthly Support Groups, Go Local projects and Foster Family Day events.
As a church family, we can accomplish this mission when everyone takes steps to pray, give, and act. Caring for vulnerable children and families is God's heart and our responsibility, and we believe that together, we can foster West Virginia!
Pray for the 7,000+ kids being impacted by the WV foster care crisis.
Pray for the biological parents who are going through a challenging season apart from their children.
Pray for the current foster parents as they love and serve the children and families in their care.
Pray for new foster parents as they step up and begin fostering.
Pray for adoptive families as they raise children who still cope with past trauma.
Pray for kinship families as they care for children and navigate difficult family situations.
Pray for the child welfare staff who selflessly serve the most vulnerable families and children in our communities every day. We pray that staff might feel seen, and valued, and the presence of the local church would impact child welfare in a life-changing way.
Pray for the advocates, attorneys, judges, and CASA workers in WV that they will be given wisdom and discernment when advocating and making decisions for vulnerable families and children.
Pray for our church family and our partners as we take steps to help foster West Virginia!
Purchase high-need items from the designated Amazon Wish List to help stock the Foster WV Supply Closet. This list will include clothes, car seats, and beds for children in care. New items will be safely stored at River Ridge Church Teays Valley and made available to families in need. Note, that we do not accept used items. Gently used items can be donated through the Foster Closet operated by Bible Center Church.
Serve and support foster parents and children by providing practical help, such as delivering meals, childcare, running errands, doing yard work, and more. You can also offer encouragement and emotional support by consistently communicating with the parents, and praying for them.
You can change a child’s life and we would love to support you along the way by providing you with prayer, supplies, a care community and resources. Learn more about becoming a foster parent to a baby, toddler, child, or teen who needs a loving home.
If you are a current foster, adoptive, or kinship family and would like to request a care community, please click below.
If you know a current foster, adoptive, or kinship family in need of a caring community, please click the link below.
Mission WV - Featuring Foster WV